yesterday i did something that i think many people think i'm insane for. i quit my job of 6 years. that's my cubicle-where i have spent 40 hrs a week for nearly 6 years. the last year or so have been really miserable here (besides meeting my sweetie) and this year i finally decided i HAVE to do something about it. the job market is really not so hot these days (no surprise) so i decided i want to go back to school and get a bachelors degree. i only have an associates from the Art Institute of Colorado and it's pretty much worthless. one of my bff's Paula mentioned that her job is always hiring in the customer service department AND they have tuition reimbursement after a certain amount of time. so yesterday i interviewed, was offered the job and accepted.
the scary part of all of this is i'm cutting my income approximately in HALF.
the good parts are: i can walk/bike to work (cutting down on car costs), tuition reimbursement, flexible schedule, referal program, free healthcare!
the bad part is obviously how do i pay my mortgage!
so these next two weeks i'm going to try to refinance my car for lower payment (longer loan), cry to comcast about my internet bill and try to figure out how to reduce my cell phone payment from $70 a month!
i've already got my car insurance down $55 a month and cut my netflix from the $16.99 plan to the $8.99 plan.
so. i guess i'm off to a good start?