there were originally three of these that were supposed to layer/stack together but this is the only one that survived. i jokingly called them tailpipe vases due to their shape but after glazing this one actually really looks like a tailpipe. now i just need to find a spot for it and get some flowers in it.
i found a lamp on anthropologie that i loved but it was $1600!! can you believe it. it inspired this 'bird cage' lamp which is actually made from an industrial size mixer beater. i'm so glad my mom and dad are handy and crafty and made this for me!
tony requested some they are! i threw in a cup because i had 3 bowls instead of the 4 i had intended. however, the glaze didn't really work out how i had hoped. i hope he doesn't hate them. i made them the same as christy's bowls with the sort of octopus fingertip marks..that's why they looked so dimpled!
this is my first real adult furniture purchase. i'm 31...hard to believe eh? i'm lucky to have a mother with great taste who likes to get new furniture about ever 24 days! so all my hand me downs suit me just fine but i really need some extra bedroom storage so here we go...
i FINALLY painted my front door. this was supposed to be done at the end of may with the painting of the flower boxes. it definitely makes my door a focal point but i think i really like it!
my pottery teachers friend puts together a 'shoe' show...this is going to be my entry...i think i'm going to call it shell toe. this was pre-glaze last night.
this was originally intended to be a tea pot but once it was put together it didn't seem very tea pot like to me so i left off the spout and handle and turned it into a super vessel!
besides some random banana peppers and a lot of spinach this is my first real 'haul' from my garden. it's already way more food than lil' ol' me needs!
i've also started making pendants out of my textured scraps at pottery class. i am sort of in love with them. i had to buy ONE HUNDRED of the 'bails' that you use on the back so i'm sure i'll be making a lot more!
i made a few platters and a deviled egg tray for my upcoming backyard bday party. i'm going to be making fancy sandwiches which is why i made the platters. i should be able to use veggies from my garden which is totally radical.
i already have spinach ready for consumption from my flower bed garden! wednesday night i'm having eric over for dinner and i'm going to make baked ricotta and spinach rigatoni...yum!!!
my mom bought me these little birdie them... but now they have a grasshopper buddy! eric traded this print for his canoe salsa's a steampunk grasshopper! i love him so close up
brie doesn't like cake so for her THIRTIETH bday i made her dessert sushi. ingredients are rice krispies, gummy worms, marshmallows, twizzlers, fruit rollups, green dyed frosting and ginger candy! and no, i did not think of this myself! ha