Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Dresser??

I spotted this dresser today at a vintage furniture store on Broadway. I had them hold it for me but chickened out in the end. I think I'll call tomorrow and buy it by phone!
My current dresser is the same one I've had since I was about 5 and it's been painted so many times the doors don't to close and the drawers don't push in anymore. Think it's definitely time for an upgrade from the past.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

My latest "art" project

i bought some paint by number paintings, framed and all, at a thrift store in bismarck, nd many, many years ago and have been very in love with them. lately i've been thinking about ways to funk-i-fy paint by numbers so i ordered two of my own!! i had been trying to find some already completed ones at thrift stores but was coming up empty. i am considering just switching the colors around or maybe adding something in there...a little robot in the ship and train maybe? any ideas?